3.2. C++ Language Overview and Guidance

CELESTE uses C11 for C files and C++14 for C++ files. C++ has a lot of features, but to keep the source code maintainable and easy to read, we will avoid using some of them in the CELESTE codebase.

In general, most programmers who claim to program in C++ do not actually understand the language semantics of C++, and so are prone to programming C++ as if it were C. This limits code maintainability and prevents the compiler from making good optimizations wherever possible. Despite its length, this page is only introductory, as C++ is very complex, and the intent is to provide a high level overview of just some of the core principles and important ideas/features of the language. Hopefully, this will serve tp bootstrap onboarding CELESTE developers into the terse programming mindset required for effective C++ programming.

3.2.1. Select Core Language Ideas/Features For Better C++ Programming C++ and RAII

What is RAII?

RAII is short for Resource Acquisition Is Initialization, and is also synonymous with Scope-based Resource Management. This means that holding a resource is a class invariant. Resource allocation (acquisition) is done during object creation (specifically initialization), by the constructor, while resource deallocation (release) is done during object destruction (specifically finalization), by the destructor.

To start off with an example:

struct Foo { /*...*/ }

int function() {
    Foo foo1;               // foo1 is allocated in RAII-style
    Foo *foo2 = new Foo();  // foo2 is allocated in new/malloc()-style
    // do something with foo1 and foo2
    return 10;

When function() is called, foo1 and foo2 are both allocated in memory. However, as soon as the code leaves the scope of the function, foo1 is freed while foo2 is not, unless a delete statement is explicitly called before the return statement.

This is not the only issue. One language feature of C++ is Exceptions, which allow code to easily short-circuit and exit a scope when an invariant is broken. In the above example, even if the programmer adds a delete statement before the return statment, it may be possible for exceptions to be thrown somewhere inside function() such that the delete is never called, leading to a memory leak. One can circumvent the problem by encapsulating each and every code scope in large try-catch blocks, but that is not an optimal solution.

Is this the same as garbage collection or reference counting?

No. There is no garbage collection at runtime, nor is there reference counting at compile-time. All the compiler does is that it automatically inserts cleanup code to free up resources at the exit point of a scope, provided that the resources were declared/initialized in RAII style.

Then why is there also a `delete` operator in the language?

This is for compatibility with C, and this is for programmers who, for edge-case reasons, don’t want to use RAII.

Why is this powerful?

Nothing about RAII mentions the word “memory”; in fact, a “resource” can be anything: a file handle, a thread, a mutex lock, a network socket, etc. This is what makes RAII much more powerful than the garbage collection concept in other programming languages - garbage collection is limited to memory management, while RAII can be defined over anything that is potentially a resource.

Consider the following example:

void write_to_file (const std::string & message) {
    // mutex to protect file access (shared across threads)
    static std::mutex mutex;

    // lock mutex before accessing file
    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);

    // try to open file
    std::ofstream file("example.txt");
    if (!file.is_open())
        throw std::runtime_error("unable to open file");

    // write message to file
    file << message << std::endl;

    // file will be automatically closed when leaving scope
    // (regardless of exceptions being thrown)
    // mutex will be unlocked (from lock destructor) when leaving
    // scope (regardless of exceptions being thrown)

In a non-RAII programming language, the programmer needs to worry about writing if-statements at every line in this function to check for errors and exceptions, and manually insert method calls to unlock the mutex and close the file handle, in order to prevent deadlocks and dangling file handles.

Very few programming languages support RAII (Ada, D, Rust), but this simple idea is extremely powerful for keeping resource maintanence scalable.

What is the important message, and how can I get started using RAII?

Using RAII greatly simplifies resource management (allows for “exception-safe” code) and reduces overall code size. Consider the following class:

WIthout RAII:

struct MiniCell {
    int *n_cells;
    int *idx_atom_cell;
    int *idx_cell_n_atoms;
    int *flg_dummy;
    int *idx_atom_cell_xy;
    int *idx_xy_head_cell;
    int *idx_xy_head_atom;

    // define default constructor
    MiniCell() {
        // allocate n_cells and set all elements to 0;
        n_cells = new int[100];
        for (int i=0; i < 100; ++i) {
            n_cells[i] = 0;

        // allocate idx_atom_cell
        // ...
        // ...

    // define default destructor
    ~MiniCell() {
        delete n_cells;
        // deallocate idx_atom_cell
        // ...
        // ...

    // define default copy assignment operator
    MiniCell& operator= (const MiniCell &other) {
        // ...
        // ...

With RAII:

struct MiniCell {
    std::vector<int> n_cells(100, 0),

That’s it! This is provably resource-safe code; furthermore, manually writing default constructors, destructors, and copy operators also becomes unneccessary (more on this in the Rule of Five section).

Much of the C++ Standard Library uses the RAII idiom, and so it is easy to start RAII-ifying the current CELESTE codebase by identifying code that is manually allocating raw memory, and replacing them with STL container counterparts (mainly std::vector).

What custom/cool things can I do with RAII?

Consider the following example:

void dangerous_function() {

    try {
        if (not doSomething()) {

        if (doNextThing() != 0) {


    } catch {

To summarize, what we want is to turn off logging prior to running the body of dangerous_function(), but we would like to turn the logging back on whenever we exit this scope, regardless of how we exited the scope.

Using RAII:

void dangerous_function() {
    struct Guard {
        ~guard() {
    Guard g;

    if (not doSomething()) return;
    if (doNextThing() != 0) return;

This “always do this when exiting the scope” trick known as the Scope Guard Pattern. Rvalue References and Move Semantics

What are rvalues?

This question is very difficult to answer with just a brief summary. Consider the following expression:

Foo f = generate_foo_object();

In this example, f is considered an lvalue because it appears on the left side of the assignment, while the value of calling generate_foo_object() is an rvalue, since it appears on the right side of the assignment. rvalues usually refer to the unnamed temporary object/value that is created before it is assigned a binding to an lvalue. Accessing lvalues for use is very straightforward - the programmer just refers to the variable’s name. However, accessing rvalues is possible only with modern C++.

This explanation is a gross oversimplification, because modern C++ categorizes expressions into 5 types, some of them being subcategories of others. They are as follows:

  • lvalues
  • glvalues
  • xvalues
  • prvalues
  • rvalues

A Venn diagram of the categorization will look like this:

   ______ ______
  /      X      \
 /      / \      \
|   l  | x |  pr  |
 \      \ /      /
      gl    r

Excellent in-depth explanations can be found in the following links:

What are rvalue references?

Rvalue references enable code to distinguish an lvalue from an rvalue. Consider the following example:

void print_string(const std::string &s) {
    std::cout << s;

void print_string(std::string &&s) {
    std::cout << s;

int main() {
    std::string s1("hello");

In C++98, only the first print_string definition is legal syntax, and that function accepts both s1 (const lvalue) and s"world" (rvalue) as arguments. However, since C++11, the second print_string definition is allowed, and calling print_string(s"world"); will invoke the second overload of the function.

Excellent in-depth explanation of rvalue references can be found here:

Together with the complex categorization of values, rvalue references allow C++ to define move semantics.

What are move semantics?

Consider the following code (simplified for illustrative purposes):

vector<int> prepare_vector() {
    vector<int> v;
    // perform complex operations on v, such as adding and removing elements
    return v;

int main() {
    vector<int> v2 = prepare_vector();

In C++98, the code will run the following steps to construct f2:

  1. Inside the body of prepare_vector(), construct v.
  2. Inside the body of main(), allocate memory for a Foo object.
  3. Copy the memory referenced by v (the underlying heap buffer) inside the prepare_vector() scope into the memory referenced by v2 inside the main() scope.

Having an implicit copy under the hood is extremely inefficient. C++11 solves this issue by introducing move semantics. In the very same above code example under C++11, the assignment operation in main() will directly “move” the pointer from the underlying data buffer referenced by v``into the that of ``v2, such that the extra work of copying the heap contents of v to v2 is unnecessary. Specifically, this compiler optimization enabled by C++11 is called copy elision. Optimizations such as this is made possible only with C++11’s categorization of lvalues and rvalues.

When are rvalue references and move semantics most useful?

One common use pattern of rvalue references is in defining move constructors and move assignment operators for classes. A move constructor, like a copy constructor, takes an instance of an object as its argument and creates a new instance based on the original object. However, the move constructor can avoid memory reallocation because the compiler knows it has been provideda temporary object, so rather than copy the fields of the object, it can simply move them.

All the STL classes have move constructors and move assignment operators defined; however, move constructors and move assignment operators may need to be defined for user-defined classes. Please see the Rule of Five section below for further elaboration.

How much should I care about all this / what do I need to do in my code?

Formerly, in C++98, code such as the prepare_vector() example above was discouraged on the grounds that extra copy operations were not desirable for performance reasons. Thus, programmers wrote code similar to the following to avoid the extra-copy problem:

vector<int> prepare_vector(vector<int> &v) {
    // perform complex operations on v, such as adding and removing elements

int main() {
    vector<int> v2;

There are a few issues with this code:

  1. The code employs value semantics as opposed to reference semantics, which make it difficult for the programmer to reasona about and maintain.
  2. It prevents the compiler from making analysis and useful optimizations.

Code such as above example should be avoided now that C++11 solves the extra-copy problem with move semantics. The Rule of Five

Automatically generated definitions for user-defined types in C++

Consider the following code:

struct Foo {
    std::string str;

When this code is compiled as is, the compiler will automatically generate the following implicit definitions for the user defined type:

  • default constructor (the constructor without arguments)
  • destructor
  • copy constructor
  • move constructor
  • copy assignment operator
  • move assignment operator

This allows programmers to immediately be able write code such as the following:

Foo f;                      // default constructor called
f = Foo();                  // default move assignment called
Foo g = f;                  // default copy assignment called
Foo h(Foo());               // default move constructor called
Foo j(f);                   // default copy constructor called

vector<Foo> foos;
foos.emplace_back(Foo());   // default move constructor called

What is the Rule of Five?

The automatic definitions generation is only guaranteed under certain conditions. For example, if a programmer explicitly defines a custom default copy constructor, then the compiler will not automatically generate a default constuctor nor a default move constructor, nor a default move assignment operator. For a complete table on what definitions are guaranteed to be generated under which circumstances, please refer to the diagram in:

The Rule of Five (or the Rule of Three as it was known in C++98, before the introduction of move semantics) simply states that if a programmer explicitly defines, for a user-defined type, a method that is one of the five in the above list (excluding the default destructor), then the programmer should also explicitly define the other four. This prevents confusion and undefined behavior (resource leaks) when the type is used in contexts that require any of these methods. For example, if the programmer defined a custom default copy constructor for a Foo class without also explicitly defining a custom default move constructor, then calling emplace_back() on vector<Foo> will actually fail to compile.

Why is this important to understand?

Typically, the need to explicitly define any one of the six methods in the above list is due to the fact that the attributes in the class were declared as pointers and not in RAII style. Synonymous with the Rule of Five is the Rule of Zero, which states that if a class has all member resources whose types are RAII and support the appropriate copy/move semantics, then the class itself does not need to have any of the above 6 methods explicitly defined. This reduces code bloat and avoids undefined/unexpected behavior. Please see the MiniCell code example from the RAII section of this guide.

To summarize: use RAII; don’t use new-allocated objects. A lot of code bloat will go away, and and resource safety guarantees (i.e. deep copies on objects) will come for free.

What about cases where a custom constructor that takes in arguments is declared and defined?

Consider the following code:

struct Foo {
    int a=1, b=2;

    Foo(int tmp_a) {
        a = tmp_a;

int main() {
    Foo f;      // ERROR!  Foo() not defined!

If a constructor that takes in arguments is declared, then the default constructor will not be implicitly declared, and so will not be implicitly defined. To fix this issue, simply add the following declaration:

struct Foo {
    int a=1, b=2;

    Foo(int tmp_a) {
        a = tmp_a;

    Foo() = default;    // declare this and the compiler will generate the definition appropriately
} Smart Pointers

What are smart pointers?

They are wrapper classes that enable RAII-style resource management for manually-allocated resources (i.e. raw pointers). The most common types of smart pointers are std::shared_ptr and std::unique_ptr.

Consider the following example:

struct Foo { /*...*/ }

void function() {
    Foo *foo1 = new Foo(42, "bar");                 // foo1 is allocated in new/malloc()-style; UNSAFE CODE
    std::unique_ptr<Foo> foo2(new Foo(42, "bar"));  // foo2 owns a Foo object; SAFE CODE
    auto foo3 = std::make_unique<Foo>(42, "bar");   // alternate syntax
    foo3->bar();                                    // Call Foo object's methods as if using a raw pointer

foo1 can be a resource leak if the body of function() throws exceptions later on, while foo2 and foo3 are automatically resource-managed.

Should I use `std::unique_ptr` or `std::shared_ptr`?

std::shared_ptr should be used if there are two entities that are sharing ownership responsibilities over a resource. In most use cases, though, only one entity ever owns/manages a resource, though that entity may pass the pointer around for use in other code. Therefore, std::unique_ptr will suffice for most use cases.

But I am using a C library that comes with its own special methods for managing its defined datatypes. How can I use RAII here?

Both std::shared_ptr and std::unique_ptr allow users to specify a custom deallocator, which is particularly helpful when dealing with C-library functions, which usually provide custom allocator and deallocator methods for their data structures.

Consider the following real-world example from libgit (taken from https://dun.gs/posts/2014-11-06-c-cpp-memory.html):

Using raw pointers:

void foo() {
    git_repository *repo = NULL;
    git_repository_open(&repo, "./testrepo");
    /* Do something with repo. */

Using RAII with std::unique_ptr:

void foo() {
    git_repository *rawRepo = nullptr;
    git_repository_open(&rawRepo, "./testrepo");
    std::unique_ptr<git_repository, decltype(&git_repository_free)> repo { std::move(rawRepo), git_repository_free };
    /* Do something with repo. */

I can use `std::unique_ptr`, but how do I transfer resource ownership responsibility (i.e. outside of scope)?

This is possible using std::move (more on this below).

What mistakes can I make with smart pointers?

Some common mistakes with smart pointer usage are listed in http://www.acodersjourney.com/2016/05/top-10-dumb-mistakes-avoid-c-11-smart-pointers/ const Correctness

(To be filled in at a later date) auto

(To be filled in at a later date) C++ Lambda Functions

(To be filled in at a later date)

3.2.2. Other Language Bits For Better Understanding and Usage of C++ User-Defined Literals

(To be filled in a later date) Initializers

(To be filled in a later date) constexpr

What are constant expressions?

Constant expressions are expressions that can be evaluated at compile-time. Consider the following code:

int factorial(int n) {
    return n <= 1? 1 : (n * factorial(n - 1));

int main() {
    cout << "4 factorial is: " << factorial(4);

There is nothing preventing factorial(4) from being pre-computed, since the argument is known at compile-time. Previously in C++98, there was no way to tell the compiler to do this; however, C++11 provides the constexpr keyword, which tells the compiler to evaluate the function if possible.

constexpr int factorial(int n) {
    return n <= 1? 1 : (n * factorial(n - 1));

Thus, in the above example, factorial(4) will be compiled away, and the generated code will only reference the value 24.

How are they different from C++ templates?

C++ templates are a compile-time-only language feature can be thought of as something similar to Lisp macros. On the other hand, constexpr functions can be used as regular functions at runtime, though if enough information is provided, then the compiler is able to fully evaluate the code away at compile-time.

However, C++ templates provide type-genericity in the function definitions, while constexpr does not. C++ templates enable functions over types as opposed to values, while constexpr is limited to being defined over the space of functions over values.

When are constexpr functions useful?

Having more code be evaluated at compile-time means will reduce the overall run-time of the compiled program. However, because constexpr optimization only works when the values can be known at compile-time, its use can be limited. One good use of constexpr is in defining functions over constants (i.e. computing PI/4, which can certainly be computed at compile-time). struct vs class

What’s the difference?

In C++, struct and class are the same and generate the same assembly code, with the exception that all fields in a struct are public by default, and all fields in a class are private by default.

When should I be using which?

If the intent of the data structure is to carry a lot of data around for functions to openly read from and use, then consider using struct. If the intent of the data structure is to carry state around, then consider using class instead. They are always interchangeable with with the appropriate public and private keywords in place anyway. std::vector

Why should I use `std::vector`?

std::vector is a superior low-overhead replacement for manually-managed memory (arrays). It is an RAII data structure, comes with many convenience methods, and allows for code-efficient copying and dynamic resizing.

std::vector<Foo> foos = {{ foo1, foo2, foo3, ... }};
auto copy_of_foos = foos;   // That's it!

Why should I almost always use `std::vector` (over other STL data structures)?

Of all the STL data structures, std::vector is the most well-defined and plays well with existing STL algorithms (i.e. std::sort and std::find). In fact, other STL data structures (i.e. std::list or std::deque are really implemented as arrays/vectors underneath for performance reasons.

Should I use `push_back()` or `emplace_back()`?

Beginning with C++11, std::vector comes with an emplace_back() method, which behaves similarly to push_back(). However the subtle differences can be seen in this example:

std::vector<Foo> foos;
Foo foo;

foos.push_back(foo);                // Copies foo to the back of the vector
foos.emplace_back(foo);             // Copies foo to the back of the vector
foos.emplace_back(std::move(foo));  // Moves foo to the back of the vector; foo will be in an undefined state afterwards

foos.push_back(Foo());              // Builds a Foo object somwhere else, then **copies** it over to the back of the vector
foos.emplace_back(Foo());           // Builds a Foo object **directly** on the back of the vector; saves one copy operation

To conclude, emplace_back() is highly encouraged, but may not be useful in all use cases.

What mistakes can I make with `std::vector`?

The most common mistake with using ``std::vector``s is the dangling references mistake. Consider the following example:

std::vector<int> vec = {{ 1, 2, 3, 4 }};  // vec has size of 4 and **capacity** of 4
int *arr = &vec[0];                       // Use the underlying raw memory (array)
vec.push_back(5)                          // vec is out of capacity, and so allocates itself a **new underlying buffer** of size 8,
                                          // copies the old elements over, and adds 5 to the end of the vector, and
                                          // **deletes the old underlying buffer**
arr[0] = 100;                             // ERROR!  arr is now pointing to an invalid memory buffer since it has been freed!

Compilation for this code will pass, but the program will exhibit segfaults at runtime. Running compiler diagnostics may be able to look for these kinds of issues, but the best method for avoiding this error by making sure the size of the std::vector is fixed (Using raw underlying pointers will be unavoidable in the CELESTE codebase anyway, since underlying libraries require raw pointers to be passed in). std::tuple

What are tuples?

Tuples are fixed-size ordered collections of heterogeneous-typed values, and are a generalization of pairs (std::pair in C++). Tuples were first directly implemented as product types in functional programming languages (such as ML, OCaml, Haskell) as a non-object-oriented programming way to express a composite set of values.

auto x = make_tuple(42, Foo(), "hello")     // generates the <int,Foo,std::string> tuple { 42, Foo(), "hello" }

Why should I use tuples?

Tuples are useful for packaging values together into a data structure without having to explicitly define a new struct/class. In particular, if the component values have little in relation to each other, and if there are no methods that are bound to using them together in conjunction (i.e. an instance method), then tuples can be used in place of structs/classes.

When should I use tuples?

If you find yourself writing functions that need to return multiple values, but those values are not strongly related enough to justify packaging them together into a new struct/class, then consider using ``std::tuple``s as opposed to passing pointer handles. If there is a large number of values to return, and these values tend to be used together in many functions, then consider using a struct/class to present the data instead.

Without tuples:

int return_two_vals(float *float_return_value, std::string &string_return_value) {
    *float_return_value = 3.14;
    string_return_value = "hello";
    return 42;

int main() {
    float f;
    std::string s;
    int i = return_two_vals(&f, s);

Using tuples:

auto return_two_vals() {
    ruturn make_tuple(42, 3.14, "hello"s);

int main() {
    int i1;
    float f1;
    string s1;
    std::tie(i1, f1, s1) = return_two_vals();

    auto { i2, f2, s2 } = return_two_vals();    // C++17 structured-bindings (future) syntax

3.2.3. General Rules to Follow for CELESTE Development

Most of the rules below have been shamelessly copied from the Allowed C++ Features for Gromacs Development but have been extended. Most of these rules are not strict rules, but developers should have a very good reason for deviating from them.

The Google C++ Style Guide is a good source for additional points to think about. We might not want to follow it point-to-point, but they have a thorough list of guidelines, with justification for why they’ve made the choices. Forbidden Language Features (“Do Not” Rules)

  • Don’t use preprocessor defines for other than things directly related to preprocessing. Use templates and constexpr functions to generate code, and enums or const variables for constants.
  • Don’t use non-const references as function parameters. They make it impossible to tell whether a variable passed as a parameter may change as a result of a function call without looking up the prototype.
  • Don’t use C-style casts; use const_cast, static_cast or reinterpret_cast as appropriate. Avoid dynamic_cast.
  • Don’t use std::auto_ptr. This is dangerous and deprecated since C++11.
  • Don’t use malloc, and limit the use of new. Use container classes when appropriate instead of managing the memory everywhere manually.
  • Don’t use multiple inheritance. Inheriting from multiple pure interfaces is OK, as long as at most one base class (which should be the first base class) has any code.
  • Don’t write excessively deep inheritance graphs. Try to not inherit implementation just to save a bit of coding; follow the principle “inherit to be reused, not to reuse”.
  • Avoid using RTTI, even though the cost of it is not very high.
  • Don’t include unnecessary headers; his slows down compilation times. Conditionally Allowed Language Features (“Proceed With Caution and Full Understanding” Rules)

  • Don’t use Boost, except parts that all developers have agreed to be essential. Boost is a nice library, but but excessive template use slows down compilation significantly and may not work on all compilers. Wherever possible, use the STL instead.
  • Avoid overloading functions unless all variants really do the same thing, just with different types. Consider making the function names more descriptive instead.
  • Avoid inline functions. Modern C++ compilers are smart enough to optimize code away and largely ignore the inline keyword anyway
  • Don’t overload operators before thorough consideration whether it really is the best thing to do. Never overload &&, ||, or the comma operator, because it’s impossible to keep their original behavior with respect to evaluation order.
  • Avoid using default function arguments.
  • Use exceptions for error handling.
  • Avoid using complex templates, complex template specialization or techniques like SFINAE, unless you can show that it is actually useful. If nothing else, they can make the code more difficult to understand. Encouraged Language Features (“Please Do” Rules)

  • Use namespaces. Everything in libceleste should be in a cst namespace. Don’t use using in headers except possibly for aliasing some commonly-used names, and avoid file-level blanket using namespace cst and similar.
  • Use the STL whereever possible. They are more designed for optimized than what most programmers think.
  • Write exception-safe code. All new code has to offer at least the basic or nothrow guarantee to make the above feasible.
  • Use RAII for managing resources (memory, mutexes, file handles, ...).
  • Use smart pointers (std::shared_ptr or std::unique_ptr) for manual memory management.
  • Write const-correct code (no const_casts unless absolutely necessary).
  • Use proper enums for variables that can only contain one of a limited set of values. C++ is much better than C in catching errors in such code.
  • Follow the Rule of Five unless there is reason not to, such as making a class uncopyable. If it is unnecessary to make the class copyable, then explicitly mark the copy constructor and assignment operator with the delete keyword.
  • Declare all constructors with one parameter as explicit unless you really know what you are doing. Otherwise, they can be used for implicit type conversions, which can make the code difficult to understand, or even hide bugs that would be otherwise reported by the compiler. For the same reason, don’t declare operators for converting your classes to other types without thorough consideration.

3.2.4. Compiler-Specific Notes

  • When writing C++14 code, one must be aware that not all compilers fully support the C++14 specification (or even C++11 specification), and so developers must be vigilant in checking that new code be compileable under a relatively recent version for each of the major compilers on the platforms we support.
  • MSVC supports only a subset of C99 and work-arounds are required in those cases. One example is the required <ciso646> header to support the keyword versions of logical operators (i.e. and, ``or`).

3.2.5. Resources

Books, etc