Celeste Developers’ Guide¶

The developers’ documentation consists of two parts:

  • A developer guide that provides an overview of the CELESTE codebase, and includes more detailed resouces such as coding guidelines, infrastruture setup, and information on tools used during development.
  • Doxygen documentation extracted from comments in C/C++ code, documenting the actual C/C++ code.

The developer guide focuses on things that are tightly tied to the code itself, such as helper scripts that reside in the source repository and organization of the code itself, and requires the documentation to be updated in sync. The guide is currently split into a few focus areas:

  • Overview of the CELESTE codebase
  • Overview of some important implementation aspects.
  • Overview of supporting infrastructures, such as continuous integration
  • Guideline of the development process, and what workflows are to be expected
  • Guidelines to follow when developing CELESTE
  • Summary of tools used, and how to use them.

The documentation does not yet cover all areas of CELESTE development, but more content is being (slowly) added.
