

  • 2024.5.

    Ms.Yue Pan joins the Lab on May 1.

  • 2024.4.

    New members join PX Lab. Welcome everyone!

  • 2024.3.

    Mizuki Nakamura, Kenta Suzuki, Chizu Koshino and Masanobu Iwasaki presented their Bachelor presentations. Taisei Kawamukai, Miyo Kunimasa and Renshi Shimokakimoto successfully defended their Master presentations. Congrats!

  • 2023.4.

    New members join PX Lab. Welcome everyone!

  • 2023.3.

    Nana Yamamoto, Kenta Ozawa and Yu Hiraga presented their Bachelor presentations. Great talks!

  • 2023.2.

    Sohei Ohmasa, Masayoshi Nishijima, Hatsuki Tanabe, Taiki Fukuzawa, and Hiroto Negoro have successfully defended their Master presentations. Congrats!

  • 2022.4.

    New members join our lab. Welcome everyone!

  • 2022.3.

    Bachelor students, Renshi Shimokakimoto and Kanae Fukushima, maintained their thesis defenses. Congratulations on your successful presentations.

  • 2021.12.

    Jiannan and Yu got best presentation awards of IPR retreat. Congratulations!

  • 2021.11.

    Dr. Kawamoto was awarded Osaka University Prize. Congratulation! Dr. Nakane joined our lab. Welcome!

Welcome to Protein Crystallography Lab.

Protein crystallography and Cryo-EM is the major method to determine the atomic structure of protein molecules, in order to elucidate the molecular mechanism of highly organized biological systems. Our main aim of research is the atomic structure determination of the biological macromolecular assemblies including membrane protein complexes. Current Research Projects are “Structural studies of photosynthetic membrane protein complex and related redox enzymes”, “Crystal structure analysis of dynein motor” and “High resolution and damage-free structure analysis of metalloproteins”.

Contact: Laboratory of Protein Crystallography, Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University
3-2 Yamadaoka, Suita-shi, Osaka 565-0871, Japan
TEL: +81-6-6879-8604 E-mail: gkurisu@protein.osaka-u.ac.jp

Copyright © Laboratory of Protein Crystallography. All rights reserved.