NEWSIPR Osaka University




Genji Kurisu took office as the IPR’s 22nd Director on April 1st, 2024.

The Institute for Protein Research (IPR) is conducting cutting-edge and highly original research in the life sciences, based on chemistry, physics, biology, medicine, and informatics, which other institutes can rarely do. At the same time, IPR is expected to serve as a hub for contributing to the domestic and international community by upgrading large-scale equipment that would be difficult for researchers to install by themselves, such as ultra-high-field NMR, synchrotron beamline, cryo-EM, and cryo-FIB/SEM. In addition, as the Asian hub of the Protein Data Bank, one of the major international databases, we continue to work as an international data center.

The environment surrounding our research field has changed dramatically over the past several years. New research results integrated with data or information science have been produced utilizing AI with conventional research methods. In recognition of this revolutionary situation, IPR has been strengthening data-driven research. We intend to continue this trend and promote innovative life science research from molecular level to cellular network information. Your continuous support and encouragement are very much appreciated. 

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