生体分子解析研究室 N末端アミノ酸配列受託分析 509、510号室の所内用共通設備 メンバー 蛋白研HP English

Reduction, alkylation and digestion of protein in solution

Laboratory for Biomolecular Analysis, Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University
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2023.9.29 updated

Samlple : BSA (10 pmol)

Enzyme : Trypsin (1 pmol)

Chromatography : C18 reversed phase HPLC


  1. [Reduction] Incubate a protein sample in the presence of DTT at 60 °C for 30 min.
  2. (final conc.)
    10-100 pmol/µl protein1 μl(10 - 100 pmol/10 µl)
    0.1 M Tris-HCl, pH 8.82 μl(20 mM)
    0.1 M DTT1 μl(10 mM)
    0.1% SDS1 µl(0.01%)
    Acetonitrile1 μl(10%)
    DW4 μl

    Total10 μl

  3. [Alkylation] Add acrylamide solution and incubate for 30 min. at rt.
  4. (final conc.)
    + 0.5 M Acrylamide1 μl(50 mM)

    Total11 μl

    (*) Iodoacetic acid, Inodoacetamide, or 4-vinylpyridine can be used instead of acrylamide. To make 100 mM 4-vinylpyridine, dilute neat 4-vinylpyridine 90-fold with water.

  5. [Digestion] Add enzyme solution and incubate overnight at 37°C.
    (final conc.)
    + 1 pmol/µl trypsin or Lys-C1 μl(1 pmol/20 µl)
    + 10% Acetonitrile8 μl(10%)

    Total20 μl
  6. Recover the enzyme solution.
  7. For protein sequencing, apply the enzyme solution directly on an HPLC with a C18 reversed phase column. For peptide mass fingerprinting, desalt the recovered solution with a Ziptip µC18, and apply on a MALDI target plate.