L. Biomolecular Analysis Protein sequencing Instruments in 509/510 Members IPR Japanese

N-terminal Edman microsequencing

Laboratory of Biomolecular analysis, Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University
2021.11.15 updated

In our institute, we have two protein sequencers for Edman N-terminal microsequencing (ABI Procise 491 cLC and Shimadzu PPSQ-53A gradient system), and now our Laboratory manages sequencing analysis. We accept requests from researchers in IPR and also any other researchers in Japan [IPR official page]Example

Requests should be sent to the following address, , with Analysis application form. Some important information for IPR members are here.

[Please see below before sending us a request]

  1. Samples should be prepared either as a blot on PVDF membrane, protein solution or peptide solution. Please see how to prepare samples (2021.11.16 updated).

  2. Sequencing analysis requires at least 2 pmol peptide or protein. If proteins are transfered to a PVDF membrane, transfer efficiency should be taken into account.
  3. Sequencing would be failed if protein amount/purity was not enough, N-terminal amino group was blocked, or some other reasons. In such a case, fee for 5 residues will be charged.
  4. The number of residues to be analyzed vary dependeing on the purpose of the experiment. In general, it would be ranging from 5 to 20 residues. It is not recomended to read less than 5, because the first and the last residues are sometimes not clearly read
  5. It will take around 1 week for a 5-20 residue analysis. We will inform you if analysis would delay.
  6. Cys is undetectable in our standard protocol. If detection of Cys is essential, please inform us.
  7. In general, it is difficult to identify modified proteins using a protein sequencer.
  8. Analysis will be carried out with an automatic sequencer. However, we cannot exclude the possibility that sequencing could fail because of some troubles. In such a case, we will retry the same analysis, but it might require additional samples.
  9. Analysis Fee (2020.4.1 updated)
    • National university or institute
      11,000yen+2,200yen × residiue number
    • Not National university or institute
      16,500yen+4,400yen × residue number
  10. What ara "National university or institute" ?

[Please send the following three items for an analysis request]

  1. Sample information [Word]
    It is highly recommended to send this sample information prior to sending samples.
    Please enclose it in the sample package when sending the samples.

  2. Analysis application form [Word]
    The number of cycles could be changed after analysis is started. In such a case, we will modify this form.

  3. Sample
    ・PVDF membranes can be send without cooling
  4. ・Samples should be addressed as below.

Keiko Kawakami
〒565-0871 3-2 Yamadaoka Suita Osaka
Laboratory of Protein Synthesis and Expression, Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University
TEL 06-6105-6503