Laboratory of Organelle Biology
 中井准教授 研究紹介  さらに詳しく メンバー  業 績  発表論文  招待講演  主催セミナー 獲得研究費  教え子たち  研究員募集  問い合わせ/見学 研究トピックス ENGLISH 



  1. Baek S, Imamura S, Higa T, Nakai Y, Tanaka K, Nakai M*
    A distinct class of GTP-binding proteins mediates chloroplast protein import in Rhodophyta.
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2022 [Journal webpage]

  2. Zhao X, Higa T, Nakai M*
    Tic12, a 12-kD essential component of the Translocon at the inner envelope membrane of chloroplasts in Arabidopsis.
    Plant Cell 2022
    doi: 10.1093/plcell/koac240 [Journal webpage] 


  3. Ramundo S, Asakura Y, Salome PA, Strenkert D, Boone M, Mackinder LCM, Takafuji K, Dinc E, Rahire M, Crevecoeur M, Magneschi L, Schaad O, Hippler M, Jonikas MC, Merchant S, Nakai M*, Rochaix JD*, Walter P*. (*Co-corresponding authors)
    Coexpressed subunits of dual genetic origin define a conserved supercomplex mediating essential protein import into chloroplasts.
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020 Dec 22;117(51):32739-32749. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2014294117.  

  4. Masato Nakai
    The Revised Model for Chloroplast Protein Import
    Plant Cell 2020 Mar;30(11):2677-2703.
    doi: 10.1105/tpc.19.00821. [Free Download] 


  5. Shingo Kikuchi, Yukari Asakura, Midori Imai, Yoichi Nakahira, Yoshiko Kotani, Yasuyuki Hashiguchi, Yumi Nakai, Kazuaki Takafuji, Jocelyn Bedard, Yoshino Hirabayashi-Ishioka, Hitoshi Mori, Takashi Shiina, Masato Nakai
    A Ycf2-FtsHi Heteromeric AAA-ATPase Complex Is Required for Chloroplast Protein Import
    Plant Cell 2018 Nov;30(11):2677-2703. doi: 10.1105/tpc.18.00357.
    [Free Download] 

    Johannes M. Herrmann博士による In Brief(解説) A Force-Generating Machine in the Plant's Power House: A Pulling AAA ATPase Motor Drives Protein Translocation into Chloroplasts に紹介されています。そのフリーPDFはこちら

  6. Masato Nakai
    New perspectives on chloroplast protein import (Review)
    Plant Cell Physiol. 2018 Jun;59(6):1111-1119. doi: 10.1093/pcp/pcy083. [Free Download] 


  7. 中井 正人.
    生物の科学:遺伝 3月号(株式会社NTS)
    特集:真核細胞の共生由来オルガネラ研究最前線ー広がり続ける多様性と機能, 2016; 70 (2) 105-109.


  8. Masato Nakai
    YCF1: A Green TIC (Commentary)
    Plant Cell 2015 July;27(7):1834-8. doi: 10.1105/tpc.15.00363. [Free Download] 

  9. Masato Nakai
    The TIC complex uncovered: The alternative view on the molecular mechanism of protein translocation across the inner envelope membrane of chloroplasts (Review)
    Biochim Biophys Acta. 2015 Sep;1847(9):957-67. doi: 10.1016/j.bbabio.2015.02.011.  


  10. 菊地 真吾、平野 美奈子、井出 徹、中井 正人.
    明らかになった葉緑体のトランスロコン (解説)
    細胞工学8月号(学研メディカル秀潤社)HOT PRESS, 2013; 32 (8) 882-883.      別刷の請求は こちら へ御連絡ください。

  11. Shingo Kikuchi, Jocelyn Bedard, Minako Hirano, Yoshino Hirabayashi, Maya Oishi, Midori Imai, Mai Takase, Toru Ide, Masato Nakai.
    Uncovering the Protein Translocon at the Chloroplast Inner Envelope Membrane.
    Science 2013 Feb 1;339(6119):571-574.

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  12. Yamasaki K, Motomura Y, Yagi Y, Nomura H, Kikuchi S, Nakai M, Shiina T.
    Chloroplast envelope localization of EDS5, an essential factor for salicylic acid biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana.
    Plant Signal Behav. 2013 Apr;8(4) in press.

  13. Kong SG, Suetsugu N, Kikuchi S, Nakai M, Nagatani A, Wada M.
    Both phototropin 1 and 2 localize on the chloroplast outer membrane with distinct localization activity.
    Plant Cell Physiol. 2013 Jan;54(1):80-92.


  14. Nakai Y, Harada A, Hashiguchi Y, Nakai M, Hayashi H.
    Arabidopsis molybdopterin biosynthesis protein Cnx5 collaborates with the ubiquitin-like protein Urm11 in the thio-modification of tRNA.
    J Biol Chem. 2012 Aug 31;287(36):30874-84.


  15. Kikuchi S, Bedard J, Nakai M.
    One- and Two-Dimensional Blue Native-PAGE and Immunodetection of Low-Abundance Chloroplast Membrane Protein Complexes.
    Chloroplast Research in Arabidopsis: Methods and Protocols Vol.II (Jarvis, T.P., ed). 2011; Methods in Molecular Biology, 775, 3-17.

  16. Hirabayashi Y, Kikuchi S, Oishi M, Nakai M.
    In vivo studies on the roles of two closely related Arabidopsis Tic20 proteins, AtTic20-I and AtTic20-IV.
    Plant Cell Physiol. 2011;52(3):469-78.


  17. Kikuchi S, Oishi M, Hirabayashi Y, Lee DW, Hwang I, Nakai M.
    A 1-Megadalton Translocation Complex Containing Tic20 and Tic21 Mediates Chloroplast Protein Import at the Inner Envelope Membrane.
    Plant Cell. 2009 Jun;21(6):1781-97.

  18. Kohbushi H, Nakai Y, Kikuchi S, Yabe T, Hori H, Nakai M.
    Arabidopsis cytosolic Nbp35 homodimer can assemble both [2Fe-2S] and [4Fe-4S] clusters in two distinct domains.
    Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2009; 378(4):810-5.


  19. Asakura Y, Kikuchi S, Nakai M.
    Non-identical contributions of two membrane-bound cpSRP components, cpFtsY and Alb3, to thylakoid biogenesis.
    Plant J. 2008; 56:1007-17.

  20. Oikawa K, Yamasato A, Kong S-G, Kasahara M, Nakai M, Takahashi F, Ogura Y, Kagawa T, Wada M.
    Chloroplast outer envelope protein CHUP1 is essential for chloroplast anchorage to the plasma membrane and chloroplast movement.
    Plant Physiol. 2008; 148(2):829-42.

  21. Nakai Y, Nakai M, Hayashi H.
    Thio modification of yeast cytosolic tRNA requires a ubiquitin-related system that resembles bacterial sulfur transfer systems.
    J Biol Chem. 2008; 283(41):27469-76.

  22. Yabe T, Yamashita E, Kikuchi A, Morimoto K, Nakagawa A, Tsukihara T, Nakai M.
    Structural analysis of Arabidopsis CnfU protein: an iron-sulfur cluster biosynthetic scaffold in chloroplasts.
    J Mol Biol. 2008; 381(1):160-73.

    葉緑体の中で フェレドキシンや光化学系I複合体への鉄硫黄クラスターの供給に必須の役割を果たしている足場蛋白質 CnfU 。その機能的ダイマーの立体構造解析に成功しました(蛋白研 山下栄樹博士/中川敦史博士/月原冨武博士グループとの共同研究)。鉄硫黄クラスターを一過的に結合する部位や、ダイマー構造を安定化する仕組みが明らかになりました。さらに、SPring-8 放射光を用いたX線吸収分光の手法により、CnfU ダイマー間に組み込まれた鉄硫黄クラスターの配位構造情報を世界で初めて報告しています(理研播磨 菊地晶裕博士との共同研究)。

  23. 中井 正人.
    葉緑体・Toc・Tic (解説)
    蛋白質核酸酵素6月号増刊「キーワード:蛋白質の一生」(共立出版) 2008; 53 (8).


  24. Nakai Y, Nakai M, Lill R, Suzuki T, Hayashi H.
    Thio modification of yeast cytosolic tRNA is an iron-sulfur protein-dependent pathway.
    Mol Cell Biol. 2007; 27(8):2841-7.


  25. Morimoto K, Yamashita E, Kondou Y, Lee SJ, Arisaka F, Tsukihara T, Nakai M.
    The asymmetric IscA homodimer with an exposed [2Fe-2S] cluster suggests the structural basis of the Fe-S cluster biosynthetic scaffold.
    J Mol Biol. 2006; 360(1):117-32.

    鉄硫黄クラスター生合成の鍵となる Scaffold Protein (足場蛋白質)。そのひとつである IscA 蛋白質の asymmetric なホモダイマー間に、2Fe-2S 型鉄硫黄クラスタ−がチャージされた立体構造。足場の上に露出して結合する鉄硫黄クラスターの構造が世界で初めて明らかにされました。蛋白研の山下栄樹博士・月原富武博士グループおよび東工大の有坂文雄博士との共同研究の成果です。

  26. Yamori W, Suzuki K, Noguchi K, Nakai M, Terashima I.
    Effects of Rubisco activation state and Rubisco kinetics to the temprerature dependence of the photosynthetic rate in spinach leaves from contrasting growth temperatures.
    Plant Cell & Environment. 2006; 29(8):1659-70.

  27. Kikuchi S, Hirohashi T, Nakai M.
    Characterization of the preprotein translocon at the outer envelope membrane of chloroplasts by Blue-Native PAGE.
    Plant & Cell Physiology 2006; 47(3):363-71.

    葉緑体外包膜において、細胞質ゾルで合成された前駆体蛋白質の葉緑体への輸送に必須な役割を担う Toc と呼ばれる蛋白質輸送装置(トランスロコン)。その外包膜上での存在様式を、Blue Native 電気泳動という膜蛋白質複合体を非変性状態で解析できる手法を用いて解析した論文です。1メガダルトンという巨大な Toc 複合体の存在が初めて明らかになりました。

  28. Yabe T, Nakai M.
    Arabidopsis AtIscA-I is affected by deficiency of Fe-S cluster biosynthetic scaffold AtCnfU-V.
    Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2006; 340(4):1047-52.


  29. Yabe T, Miromoto K, Kikuchi S, Nishio K, Terashima I, Nakai M.
    The Arabidopsis chloroplastic NifU-like protein AtCnfU can act as an iron-sulfur cluster scaffold protein and is required for biogenesis of ferredoxin and photosystem I.
    Photosynthesis: Fundamental Aspects to Global Perspectives (A. van der Est, D. Bruce, eds), 2005; pp. 793-795, Allen Press.

  30. Kikuchi S, Hirohashi T, Nakai M.
    Characterization of the preprotein translocon at the outer envelople membrane of chloroplasts by Blue-Native Page.
    Photosynthesis: Fundamental Aspects to Global Perspectives (A. van der Est, D. Bruce, eds), 2005; pp. 937-939, Allen Press.

  31. Yamori W, Asakura Y, Nakai M, Noguchi K, Terashima I.
    Mechanism of temperature acclimation for photosynthesis in spinach leaves.
    Photosynthesis: Fundamental Aspects to Global Perspectives (A. van der Est, D. Bruce, eds), 2005; pp. 621-624, Allen Press.

  32. 菊地 真吾、中井 正人.
    解明されはじめた葉緑体タンパク質配送システムのユニークさ (Review)
    実験医学増刊「細胞内タンパク質の社会学」(羊土社)2005; 23: 79-86.


  33. 朝倉 由香里、菊地 真吾、中井 正人.
    葉緑体の蛋白質輸送:チラコイド (Review)
    蛋白質核酸酵素5月号増刊「細胞における蛋白質の一生:生成・成熟・輸送・管理・分解・病態」(共立出版) 2004; 49 (7): 922-925.

  34. Yabe T, Morimoto K, Kikuchi S, Nishio K, Terashima I, Nakai M.
    The Arabidopsis Chloroplastic NifU-Like Protein AtCnfU, Which Can Act as an Iron-Sulfur Cluster Scaffold Protein, Is Required for Biogenesis of Ferredoxin and Photosystem I.
    Plant Cell. 2004 Apr; 16: 993-1007.

    植物葉緑体では、私たちが CnfU と名付けた蛋白質が、鉄硫黄クラスター生合成の鍵となる Scaffold Protein (足場蛋白質)として重要な役割を担っていることを見いだした論文。そのシロイヌナズナにおける変異体では。2Fe-2S 型鉄硫黄クラスターを持つ ferredoxin だけでなく、4Fe-4S 型の鉄硫黄クラスターを持つ光化学系I(Photosystem I)の生合成に大きな影響が生じていることを初めて示しました。阪大理学研究科(当時)の寺島一郎博士(現東大)との共同研究の成果です。本論文は、この年、学術誌 Plant Cell に掲載された2本目の論文となりました。

  35. Asai T, Takahashi T, Esaki M, Nishikawa S, Ohtsuka K, Nakai M, EndoT.
    Re-investigation of the requirement of cytosolic ATP for mitochondrial protein import.
    J Biol Chem. 2004 May 7;279(19):19464-70

  36. Nakai Y, Umeda N, Suzuki T, Nakai M, Hayashi H, Watanabe K, Kagamiyama H.
    Yeast Nfs1p is involved in thio-modification of both mitochondrial and cytoplasmic tRNAs.
    J Biol Chem. 2004 Jan 13; 279: 12363 - 12368.

  37. Asakura Y, Hirohashi T, Kikuchi S, Belcher S, Osborne E, Yano S, Terashima I, Barkan A, Nakai M.
    Maize Mutants Lacking Chloroplast FtsY Exhibit Pleiotropic Defects in the Biogenesis of Thylakoid Membranes.
    Plant Cell. 2004 Jan; 16: 201-214.

    葉緑体チラコイドに大量に存在する集光性クロロフィル結合蛋白質(LHCP: Light-harvesting chlorophyll-binding protein)。地球上で最も多量に存在する膜蛋白質と言われていますが、そのチラコイド膜へのアセンブリーは、葉緑体シグナル認識粒子(SRP: signal recognition particle)経路を必要とすると言われていました。私たちの研究室では、アメリカオレゴン大学の Alice Barkan 博士らのグループと共同で、チラコイド膜上の SRP レセプターである cpFtsY 蛋白質に関するトウモロコシの変異体を単離することに成功し、その変異体の解析から、cpFtY 欠損が、LHCP のチラコイド膜へのアセンブリーだけでなく、他の多くのチラコイド膜蛋白質の生合成に影響を与えることを明らかにしました。この研究成果は、植物科学のトップ学術誌 Plant Cell(Impact factor=11.088)に掲載されました。


  38. 矢部 俊樹、森本 耕造、中井 正人.
    鉄硫黄クラスターの生合成はどこまでわかったか? (Review)
    化学と生物(学会出版センター) 2003, 680-686.

  39. Morimoto K, Sato S, Tabata S, Nakai M.
    A HEAT-Repeats Containing Protein, IaiH, Stabilizes the Iron-Sulfur Cluster Bound to the Cyanobacterial IscA Homologue, IscA2.
    J Biochem (Tokyo). 2003 Aug;134(2):211-7.

  40. 菊地 真吾、朝倉 由香里、中井 正人.
    葉緑体へのタンパク質輸送はどこまでわかったかー共通性と独自性 (Review)
    実験医学別冊「細胞内輸送研究の最前線」(羊土社) 2003, 78-85.

  41. Ishikawa A, Tanaka H, Nakai M, Asahi T.
    Deletion of a chaperonin 60-beta gene leads to cell death in the Arabidopsis lesion initiation 1 mutant.
    Plant Cell Physiol., 2003, 44 (3), 255-261.

  42. Tamada Y, Imanari E, Kurotani K, Nakai M, Andreo CS, Izui K.
    Effect of photooxidative destruction of chloroplasts on the expression of nuclear genes for C4 photosynthesis and for chloroplast biogenesis in maize.
    J Plant Physiol., 2003, 160, 3-8.


  43. Morimoto K, Nishio K, Nakai M.
    Identification of a novel HEAT-repeats-containing protein which interacts with a cyanobacterial IscA homolog.
    FEBS Lett. 2002, 519, 123-7.

  44. 中井 正人.
    葉緑体への輸送 (Review)
    わかる実験医学シリーズ「細胞内輸送がわかる」(羊土社) 2002, 68-77.

  45. Nakai M, Nishio K, Morimoto K, Yabe T, Kikuchi S.
    Molecular scaffolds involved in iron-sulfur cluster biosynthesis. (Review)
    Recent Res. Devel. Proteins. 2002, 1, 1-11.


  46. Hirohashi T, Hase T, Nakai M.
    Maize non-photosynthetic ferredoxin precursor is mis-sorted to the intermembrane space of chloroplasts in the presence of light.
    Plant Physiol. 2001 Apr;125(4):2154-63.

  47. Nakai Y, Nakai M, Hayashi H, Kagamiyama H.
    Nuclear localization of yeast Nfs1p is required for cell survival.
    J Biol Chem 2001 Mar 16;276(11):8314-8320.

  48. 中井 正人.
    葉緑体の分子シャペロン (Review)
    分子シャペロンによる細胞機能統御(シュプリンガーフェアラーク東京) 2001, 76-77.


  49. Nishio K, Nakai M.
    Transfer of iron-sulfur cluster from NifU to apoferredoxin.
    J Biol Chem. 2000 Jul 28;275(30):22615-8.

  50. Hirohashi T, Nakai M.
    Molecular cloning and characterization of maize Toc34, a regulatory component of the protein import machinery of chloroplast.
    Biochim Biophys Acta. 2000 Apr 25;1491(1-3):309-314.

  51. Nakai Y, Yoshihara Y, Nakai M, Hayashi H, Kagamiyama H.
    Mitochondrial Localization of Eukaryotic NifS-Like Proteins.
    Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Vitamin B6 and PQQ-dependent Proteins (Iriarte, A, Kagan HM, Martinez-Carrion M, eds), 2000, 129-133, Birkhauser Verlag, Basel.

     1999 以前

  52. Nishio K, Hirohashi T, Nakai M.
    Chloroplast chaperonins: evidence for heterogeneous assembly of alpha and beta Cpn60 polypeptides into a chaperonin oligomer.
    Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1999 Dec 20;266(2):584-7.

  53. Kogata N, Nishio K, Hirohashi T, Kikuchi S, Nakai M.
    Involvement of a chloroplast homologue of the signal recognition particle receptor protein, FtsY, in protein targeting to thylakoids.
    FEBS Lett. 1999 Mar 26;447(2-3):329-33.

  54. Kanamori T, Nishikawa S, Nakai M, Shin I, Schultz PG, Endo T.
    Uncoupling of transfer of the presequence and unfolding of the mature domain in precursor translocation across the mitochondrial outer membrane.
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1999 Mar 30;96(7):3634-9.

  55. Hirohashi T, Nishio K, Nakai M.
    cDNA sequence and overexpression of chloroplast chaperonin 21 from Arabidopsis thaliana.
    Biochim Biophys Acta. 1999 Jan 11;1429(2):512-5.

  56. Kubo Y, Tsunehiro T, Nishikawa S, Nakai M, Ikeda E, Toh-e A, Morishima N, Shibata T, Endo T.
    Two distinct mechanisms operate in the reactivation of heat-denatured proteins by the mitochondrial Hsp70/Mdj1p/Yge1p chaperone system.
    J Mol Biol. 1999 Feb 19;286(2):447-64.

  57. Iwata K, Nakai M.
    Interaction between mitochondrial precursor proteins and cytosolic soluble domains of mitochondrial import receptors, Tom20 and Tom70, measured by surface plasmon resonance.
    Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1998 Dec 30;253(3):648-52.

  58. Oka M, Nakai M, Endo T, Lim CR, Kimata Y, Kohno K.
    Loss of Hsp70-Hsp40 chaperone activity causes abnormal nuclear distribution and aberrant microtubule formation in M-phase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
    J Biol Chem. 1998 Nov 6;273(45):29727-37.

  59. 西尾 和晃、中井 正人.
    植物のタンパク質実験プロトコール(秀潤社) 1998, 114-120.

  60. Nishio K, Nakai M, Hase T.
    Fe-S cluster formation of ferredoxin in chloroplast stroma.
    Research in Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and Effects (Garab G, ed), Vol. VI., 1998, 3115-3115-3118, Kluwer Academic Publisheres, Dordrecht.

  61. Nohara T, Yoshihisa T, Nakai M, Endo T.
    Cloning and Characterization of Chloroplast SecY Proteins.
    Research in Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and Effects (Garab G, ed), Vol. IV., 1998, 3155-3158, Kluwer Academic Publisheres, Dordrecht.

  62. Nohara T, Asai T, Nakai M, Sugiura M, Endo T.
    Cytochrome f encoded by the chloroplast genome is imported into thylakoids via the SecA-dependent pathway.
    Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1996 Jul 16;224(2):474-8.

  63. Endo T, Mitsui S, Nakai M, Roise D.
    Binding of mitochondrial presequences to yeast cytosolic heat shock protein 70 depends on the amphiphilicity of the presequence.
    J Biol Chem. 1996 Feb 23;271(8):4161-7.

  64. 中井 正人.
    タンパク質実験ノート(上)(羊土社) 1996, 55-58.

  65. Nakai M, Kinoshita K, Endo T.
    Mitochondrial receptor complex protein. The intermembrane space domain of yeast MAS17 is not essential for its targeting or function.
    J Biol Chem. 1995 Dec 22;270(51):30571-5.

  66. Endo T, Nakayama Y, Nakai M.
    Avidin fusion protein as a tool to generate a stable translocation intermediate spanning the mitochondrial membranes.
    J Biochem (Tokyo). 1995 Oct;118(4):753-9.

  67. Nohara T, Nakai M, Goto A, Endo T.
    Isolation and characterization of the cDNA for pea chloroplast SecA. Evolutionary conservation of the bacterial-type SecA-dependent protein transport within chloroplasts.
    FEBS Lett. 1995 May 15;364(3):305-8.

  68. 中井 正人、西川 周一、遠藤 斗志也
    分子シャペロンHsp70とオルガネラ形成 (Review)
    生化学. 1995, 67(2):108-22.

  69. Nakai M, Endo T.
    Identification of yeast MAS17 encoding the functional counterpart of the mitochondrial receptor complex protein MOM22 of Neurospora crassa.
    FEBS Lett. 1995 Jan 3;357(2):202-6.

  70. Endo T, Nohara T, Goto A, Nakai M.
    Roles of Sec proteins in protein transport within chloroplasts.
    Research in Photosynthesis: from light to biosphere, vol. III (P. Mathis ed.) , 1995, 811-814, Kluwer, Amsterdam.

  71. Nakai M, Nohara T, Sugita D, Endo T.
    Cloning and characterization of sec and ffh genes from the cyanobacterium Synechococcu PCC7942.
    Research in Photosynthesis: from light to biosphere, vol. III (P. Mathis ed.) , 1995, 505-508, Kluwer, Amsterdam.

  72. Nakai M, Goto A, Nohara T, Sugita D, Endo T.
    Identification of the SecA protein homolog in pea chloroplasts and its possible involvement in thylakoidal protein transport.
    J Biol Chem. 1994 Dec 16;269(50):31338-41.

  73. Endo T, Kawakami M, Goto A, America T, Weisbeek P, Nakai M.
    Chloroplast protein import. Chloroplast envelopes and thylakoids have different abilities to unfold proteins.
    Eur J Biochem. 1994 Oct 1;225(1):403-9.

  74. Nakai M, Nohara T, Sugita D, Endo T.
    Identification and characterization of the sec-A protein homologue in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus PCC7942.
    Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1994 Apr 29;200(2):844-51.

  75. Nakai M, Kato Y, Ikeda E, Toh-e A, Endo T.
    Yge1p, a eukaryotic Grp-E homolog, is localized in the mitochondrial matrix and interacts with mitochondrial Hsp70.
    Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1994 Apr 15;200(1):435-42.

  76. Nakai M, Endo T, Hase T, Tanaka Y, Trumpower BL, Ishiwatari H, Asada A, Bogaki M, Matsubara H.
    Acidic regions of cytochrome c1 are essential for ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase activity in yeast cells lacking the acidic QCR6 protein.
    J Biochem (Tokyo). 1993 Dec;114(6):919-25.

  77. Nakai M, Endo T, Hase T, Matsubara H.
    Intramitochondrial protein sorting. Isolation and characterization of the yeast MSP1 gene which belongs to a novel family of putative ATPases.
    J Biol Chem. 1993 Nov 15;268(32):24262-9.

  78. Nakai M, Takeda A, Cleary ML, Endo T.
    The bcl-2 protein is inserted into the outer membrane but not into the inner membrane of rat liver mitochondria in vitro.
    Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1993 Oct 15;196(1):233-9.

  79. Nakai M, Takada T, Endo T.
    Cloning of the YAP19 gene encoding a putative yeast homolog of AP19, the mammalian small chain of the clathrin-assembly proteins.
    Biochim Biophys Acta. 1993 Sep 23;1174(3):282-4.

  80. Nakai M, Sugita D, Omata T, Endo T.
    Sec-Y protein is localized in both the cytoplasmic and thylakoid membranes in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus PCC7942.
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